WAS / WERE - था, थे, थी, होता था, होती थी, होते थे
जिस हिंदी वाक्य के अंत में, था, थे, थी, होता था, होती थी, होते थे हो तथा किसी क्रिया का बोध ना हो, उस वाक्य को English में translation करते समय WAS / WERE का प्रयोग करते हैं
Was - I, He, She, It, कोई एक नाम या Singular Noun के साथ
Were - You, We, They, दो या दो से अधिक नाम या Plural Noun के साथ
Rules :-
1 Affirmative - Subject + was / were + other words.
वह बीमार था - He was sick.
सीता और गीता दोस्त थी - Sita and Geeta were friends.
बच्चे खुश थे - The children were happy.
2 Negative - Subject + was / were + not +other words.
वह बीमार नहीं था - He was not sick.
सीता और गीता दोस्त नहीं थी - Sita and Geeta were not friends.
बच्चे खुश नहीं थे - The children were not happy.
3 Interrogative - Was / Were + Subject + other words + ?
क्या वह बीमार था ? - Was he sick?
क्या सीता और गीता दोस्त थी ? - Were Sita and Geeta friends?
क्या बच्चे खुश थे ? - Were the children happy?
4 Interrogative + Negative - Was / Were + Subject + not + other words + ?
क्या वह बीमार नहीं था ? - Was he not sick?
क्या सीता और गीता दोस्त नहीं थी ? - Were Sita and Geeta not friends?
क्या बच्चे खुश नहीं थे ? - Were the children not happy?
5 WH Question - WH Word + was / were + Subject + other words + ?
राम और श्याम कब दोस्त थे ? - When were Ram and Shyam friends?
तुम क्यों नाराज़ थे ? - Why were you angry?
हमलोग क्या थे ?- What were we?
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