Change Direct into Indirect Speech, Part 1, Change of Person

What are Direct and Indirect Speech?

There are two parts of Direct Speech

There are three general rules to convert a Direct speech into Indirect.
  1. Change of Person
  2. Change of Tense
  3. Change of Other Parts of Speech
These rules are applied in Reported Speech.
Converting a Direct speech into Indirect we change in Reporting Speech
  • "said to" into "told"
  • "says to" into "tells"
  • "say to" into "tell"
  • "inverted commas" into "that"
Tell, tells, told are transitive verbs. They need an object. If "to" is not used after "say, says or said", they can't be changed into "tell, tells or told."

How to change persons in Reported Speech
Here is the table of case..
            They say to us, "You are our friends." - Direct Speech

In the above speech you can see that there are two words "You" and "Our" should be changed in Indirect Speech. 
"You" is second person, so it will be changed according to the object of reporting verb and "our" is first person, so it will be changed according to the subject of reporting verb.

Let's change
So, the object of the reporting verb is "us" and "You" is to be changed according to "us", so, it will become "we"

Now, "our" is to be changed according to the subject of reporting verb "They" and it will become "their".
            They tell us that we are their friends. - Indirect Speech

Here are some more examples :-

  • Mukesh says to Pooja, "I am your brother." - Direct Speech
  • Mukesh tells  Pooja, that he is her brother. - Indirect Speech

  • We say to them, "You don't play cricket." - Direct Speech
  • We tell them that they don't play cricket. - Indirect Speech

  • I say to him, "They are not my teachers." - Direct Speech
  • I tell him that they are not my teacher. - Indirect Speech
This video will help you to understand this concept easily.


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